Emily works at the intersection of science, medicine, and spirituality. Her writing engages the vocabulary of ecology, evolution, theology, and literature to ask fundamental questions: How do we "know" the world around us? What symbols and stories help us describe and witness to the diversity of life? What does it mean to be a self?
Her creative nonfiction has appeared in The Atlantic, The Christian Century, Yale Scientific, Yale Literary Magazine, and Yale Distilled, among others. She is working on her first book, a collection of nonfiction essays about selfhood, belonging, and resilience (Simon & Schuster, expected fall 2026).
Emily earned her Masters of Arts in Religion from Yale Divinity School (2023), her Masters of Science in Integrative Biology from Oregon State University (2020), and her B.S. in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology from Yale (2018). Emily is a priest in the Episcopal Church, and she currently works as Associate Rector at All Souls Episcopal Parish in Berkeley, CA.
Her creative nonfiction has appeared in The Atlantic, The Christian Century, Yale Scientific, Yale Literary Magazine, and Yale Distilled, among others. She is working on her first book, a collection of nonfiction essays about selfhood, belonging, and resilience (Simon & Schuster, expected fall 2026).
Emily earned her Masters of Arts in Religion from Yale Divinity School (2023), her Masters of Science in Integrative Biology from Oregon State University (2020), and her B.S. in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology from Yale (2018). Emily is a priest in the Episcopal Church, and she currently works as Associate Rector at All Souls Episcopal Parish in Berkeley, CA.